Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet ASUTUSESISESEKS KASUTAMISEKS Teabevaldaja: översättning - Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet ASUTUSESISESEKS KASUTAMISEKS Teabevaldaja: engelska hur man säger

Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet ASUTUSE

Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet

Teabevaldaja: Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet
Juurdepääsupiirangu alus: AvTS § 35 lg 1p12, 19
PPVS § 4 lg 5;
Lõpptähtpäev: 28.09.2090; p 19 alusel kuni 2 8.09.2020
Vormistamise kuupäev:28.09.2015

Lp Nils-Göran Jonsson
Sandviksgatan 40 B
972 32 Luleå

Teatis kriminaalmenetluse nr 15230105294 alustamata jätmise kohta

18.09.2015 registreerili Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti dokumendiregistris nr-ga 2.1-3/28270-1 Teie avaldus, milles teatate, et 17.08.2015 saite ettevõttelt Nummerupplysningen OÜ (Tatari 30-3. Tallinn, 10116) arve summas 5 945,00 SEK teenuste eest, mida te kunagi ei ole tellinud ega saanud. Olete seisukohal, et Eestis registreeritud ellevõte teostab Rootsis ebaseaduslikku tegevust. Samuti teatate, et olete juba pöördunud Rootsi politsei poole.

Kuriteoteate läbivaataja kohuseks on kontrollida esitatud materjalide pinnalt, kas kriminaalmenetluse ajendis on võimalik sedastada kriminaalmenetluse alus ehk kuriteo tunnused, st avalduses toodud sündmuse kirjeldus peab vastama Karistusseadustiku (KarS) eriosa süüteokoosseisule.

Teie poolt esitatud avaldusest ja selle lisadest nähtub, et antud juhtumi puhul on tegemist Eesti Vabariigis registreeritud ettevõttega Nummerupplysningen OÜ (äriregistri kood 11550212, mille juriidiliseks aadressiks on märgilud Tatari 30-3, Tallinn, 10116. Äriregistri teabesüsteemi andmete kohaselt ettevõtte juhatuse liige on Rootsi kodanik Maurice Henry Delone, samuti ettevõtte Nummerupplysningen OÜ kontaktandmed osutavad Rootsis eksisteerivale telefoninumbrile +46 734170068 ning Rootsis registreeritud e-posti aadressile info@nummerupplysningcn.se, millest saab teha järelduse, et ettevõtte tegevus toimub faktiliselt väljaspool Eesti Vabariigi territooriumi, nimelt Rootsis.

Tulenevalt eeltoodust ei ole objektiivset alust arvata, et teo ettevalmistamise ja toimepanemise koht oleks seotud Eesti Vabariigi territooriumiga. Teatame Teile, et kuritegude avastamine ja uurimine toimub üldreeglina riigis, kus tegu toime pannakse või lõpule viiakse. Vastavalt KarS §-le 6 kehtib Eesti karistusseadus teo kohta, mis pannakse toime Eesti Vabariigi territooriumil.

Kuigi KarS § 7 lubab erandjuhtudel alustada kriminaalmenetlust väljaspool Eesti Vabariiki toimepandud kuritegudes, siis toimub see ainult erandjuhtudel ning siis, kui kriminaalmenetluse läbiviimine Eestis oleks kiirem ja efektiivsem. Juhul kui süüteo tõendamiseks vajalikud seadmed ja andmebaasid (nt serverid, pangad jne) asuvad välismaal, samuti kui süüteo toimepanija(-d) on teise riigi kodanik(-ud)ja elab(-vad) väljaspool Eesti Vabariigi territooriumi, siis antud juhtumite puhul puuduvad Eesti Vubariigil võimalused kiireks ja efektiivseks menetluseks. Lisaks tuleb märkida, et välisriigis toimepandud kuritegudes saab menetlust alustada vaid juhul kui see kuriteoks ka selle riigi territooriumil. Käesoleval juhul võib teo toimepanemise koha järgse riigi seaduste kohaselt tegemist olla mitte kuriteo, vaid tsiviilvaidlusega. Kas tegemist on tsiviilvaidluse või kuriteoga, sellele saab hinnangu anda vaid riik, kus tegutseb(-vad) Teile vaidlustatud arve esitanud isik(-ud).

Eeltoodust tulenevalt ei alustatu Teie kuriteokaebuse alusel kriminaalmenetlust Eesti Vabariigis Kriminaalmeneluse seadustiku (KrMS) §199lg l p l alusel.

Vastuvõetud otsusega mittenõustumise korral on kannatanul õigus kooskõlas KrMS § 207 lg 1, 3 esitada alustamata jätmise peale kaebus Põhja Ringkonnnaprokuratuuri antud teate saamisest alates 10 päeva jooksul. Vastavalt KrMS § 198 lg 2 teatatakse kriminaalmenetluse alustamata jätmisest isikule, kelle kohta kuriteokaebus on esitatud.


Jelena Mae
varavastaste kuritegude teenistus
raskete kuritegude talitus
Põhja prefektuur
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Resultat (engelska) 1: [Kopia]
Police and border guard Board FOR INTERNAL USE The holder of information: police and border guard Board The restriction on access basis: § 35 AvTS lg 1p12, 19 § 4 PPVS para 5; -Date: 28.09.2090; on the basis of 19 p to 2, 8.09.2020 Date of completion: 28.09.2015Lp Nils-Göran JonssonSandviksgatan 40 (B)972 32 LuleåSwedennils-goran.jonsson@telia.comCommunication on refusal to commence criminal proceedings No 15,230,105,29418.09.2015 registreerili the police and border guard Board a document register no-ga 3/2.1-28270-1 your statement in which you report that 17.08.2015 sites from company Nummerupplysningen LLC (Tatar, 30-3. Tallinn, 10116) in the amount of the invoice for the services of the 5 945.00 SEK, that you never ordered or received. Have you considered that ellevõte registered in Estonia shall carry out illegal activities in Sweden. As well as inform me that you have already contacted the police in Sweden.The criminal offence to the reviewer's duty is to verify the submitted materials to the surface, whether in the criminal ajendis it is possible to state the basis for the criminal offence, i.e., perhaps a statement given in the description for the event must comply with the special part of the Penal Code (Penal Code) of an offence.The application and its annexes follows that, in this case, is an Estonian company registered in the Republic of Nummerupplysningen LTD (registry code 11,550,212, which is the legal address of the märgilud Tatar, 30-3, Tallinn, 10116. In accordance with the data in the information system of the commercial register of the company's management board member is a citizen of Sweden, Maurice Henry Delone, as well as the company's Nummerupplysningen LLC contact information refer to an existing phone number in Sweden + 46 734,170,068 and in Sweden, registered e-mail address info@nummerupplysningcn.se, which, it must be concluded that the company's performance, the action takes place on the outside of the territory of the Republic of Estonian, namely in Sweden.Consequently, it follows from the foregoing is not an objective reason to believe that the Act of Commission of the offence, and the preparation of the Estonian Republic, the territory of the place would be involved. We will inform you, that the crime detection and investigation is going on as a general rule, in the country where the act committed is placed or completed. In accordance with § 6 of the Penal Code applies to an act of the Estonian Penal Code, committed in the territory of the Republic of Estonian. Although the Penal Code § 7 allows, in exceptional cases, to start criminal proceedings against criminal offences committed outside of the Estonian Republic, then it is only in exceptional cases and if the conduct of the criminal proceedings in Estonia would be faster and more effective. If the proof of the offence in the necessary equipment and databases (e.g., servers, banks, etc.) located abroad, as well as when the offender (a-d) is a citizen of another country (-s) and lives (vad) to the outside of the territory of the Republic of Estonian, then given to Estonian Vubariigil in the case of the missing opportunities for rapid and efficient procedure. In addition, it should be noted that the procedure for criminal offences committed in a foreign State can be started only if it also a crime in the territory of that State. In the present case, may be the successor of the place of Commission of an in accordance with the laws of the country comes to be a criminal offence, but not the tsiviilvaidlusega. Whether it is a civil or a criminal act, this can be an estimate to give only the country where the acts (vad) to you, the contested Bill submitted by a person (s). It follows from the foregoing, no criminal proceedings if a complaint on the basis of your finish what we started in the Republic of Kriminaalmeneluse code, Estonian (KrMS), § 199lg l p l. By a decision adopted in the case of disagreement, the victim has the right, in accordance with § 207 KrMS lg 1, 3 submit refusal to commence an appeal to the North from the receipt of the notice given to Ringkonnnaprokuratuuri within 10 days. In accordance with § 198 KrMS lg 2 shall be notified of the failure to commence criminal proceedings regarding the person whose complaint has been filed. Yours sincerely, Elena Maethe arresting Lieutenant later crimes against property serviceof the serious crime Departmentkriminaalbüroo To the North of the Prefecture principal investigator
Omsätts, vänta..
Resultat (engelska) 2:[Kopia]
Police and Border Guard Board for the internal use of holder: Police and Border Patrol access restriction basis: § 35 of the PIA 1p12, 19 PPVS 5 § 4; Deadline: 09/28/2090; p 19 of the 2 8.09.2020 formalization date: 09.28.2015 Lp Nils-Göran Jonsson Sandviksgatan 40 B 972 32 Luleå Sweden nils-goran.jonsson@telia.com Notice of Criminal Procedure No. 15230105294 refusal to commence on 18.9.2015 registreerili Police Board No document register with 2.1-3 / 28,270 to 1 in your statement, which announced that the company received Nummerupplysningen LLC 08/17/2015 (Tatari 30-3. Tallinn, 10116) in the amount of 5 945.00 SEK bill for services you never solicited nor received. You are of the opinion that, in Sweden, Estonia recorded ellevõte performs illegal activity. Also, explain that you have already contacted the Swedish police. Crime message through the viewer's responsibility to verify the material surface to whether criminal proceedings is motivated by the potential held for criminal proceedings or criminal offense, that is the statement given description of the event must meet the Penal Code (PC) special part of the offense in the composition. Your request for a declaration and its annexes show that this case is a company registered in the Republic of Estonia Nummerupplysningen OÜ (registry code 11550212, whose registered address is märgilud Tatari 30-3, Tallinn, 10116 Register information system, according to the company board members is a Swedish citizen Maurice Henry Delone, as well as the contact details of the company Nummerupplysningen LLC indicate the existence Sweden +46 734170068 phone number and e-mail address registered in Sweden info@nummerupplysningcn.se, which leads to the conclusion that the company's activities are in fact outside the territory of the Republic of Estonia, notably in Sweden. Due to the foregoing, there is no objective reason to believe the act of preparing and committing place would be linked to the territory of the Republic of Estonia. We hereby inform you that the crime detection and investigation will rule the country in which the action is being or is completed. According to the Penal Code to § 6 applies to Estonian penal law to acts that are committed in the territory of Estonia. Although under § 7 allows in exceptional cases, to initiate criminal proceedings outside the Republic of Estonia committed crimes, it would be only in exceptional cases, and if the criminal proceedings conducted in Estonia would be faster and more efficient. If the offense to prove the necessary equipment, and databases (such as servers, banks, etc.) located abroad, as well as the perpetrator of the offense (s) with a citizen of another state (s) of and resides (-vad) outside the territory of the Republic of Estonia, the cases of the missing Eesti Vubariigil for fast and effective procedures. It should also be noted that the offenses committed in a foreign country can begin the procedure only if it is a criminal offense in its territory. In this case, the commission of the offense under the law of the country where they have not a crime, but a civil dispute. Is this a civil dispute or a criminal offense, to be assessed by reference to the country in which he operates (-vad) you disputed the bill submitted by a person (s) stated. Consequently, do not start you on a criminal complaint on the basis of criminal proceedings in Estonia Kriminaalmeneluse Code (CCP) §199lg LPL basis. Upon disagreement with a decision adopted in accordance with the law, the victim of the CCP § 207 section 1, 3, submitted an appeal against the refusal to commence in North Ringkonnnaprokuratuuri issued a notice of receipt within 10 days. According to the CCP § 198 2 notified of the refusal to initiate a criminal proceeding the person about whom the complaint is made ​​a criminal offense. Sincerely, Elena Mae Police Lt. property crimes of service for serious offenses Office Criminal Bureau of the North Prefecture principal investigator

Omsätts, vänta..
Resultat (engelska) 3:[Kopia]
the police and border police

teabevaldaja: internal use of police and border police base: the access restriction avts
paragraph 35 (1p12, 19, section 4, paragraph 5, ppvs

28.09.2090; p; date: 19 of the 8.09.2020 until 2

tm at the date: 28.09.2015 nils jonsson b

sandviksgatan grocery store 40 32 luleå 972 sweden

nils-goran.jonsson @ telia.comon the opening of criminal procedure of communication no 15230105294

18.09.2015 registreerili police and border security agency, dokumendiregistris no - 2.1-3 / 28270 - 1 with your statement, which state that 17.08.2015 got from nummerupplysningen inc. (tartar 30 - 3. tallinn, 10116) invoice amounting to 5 945,00 sec for services that you never ordered or received. you considerin sweden, estonia in the ellevõte registered by the illegal activities. also state that you have already turned to the swedish police.

kuriteoteate examiner shall be submitted material from the surface, is the basis for criminal proceedings, criminal proceedings can be held ajendis crime characteristicsin the description of the event, i.e. in the penal code (kars) shall comply with the specific component süüteokoosseisule.

you have submitted a statement and its annexes shows that in this case, the company is a registered in the republic of estonia, nummerupplysningen inc. (business registration code 11550212 legal address, which is märgilud tartar 30 - 3, tallinn, 10116.business registration information system in accordance with the data of the member of the board of directors is a swedish citizen, maurice henry delone company contact information, as well as providing nummerupplysningen inc. in sweden and registered in sweden eksisteerivale 46 734170068 given preferably by e-mail to info @ nummerupplysningcn.se, from which the conclusion can be drawnin fact, that the activity takes place outside the territory of the republic of estonia, sweden.

it follows from the foregoing that is not an objective reason to act, and was committed to the preparation of the place of the republic of estonia, the territory. we regret to inform you that the crime detection and investigation is, as a general rule, in the country where the act is committed, or completed.in accordance with paragraph 6 applies to kars estonia on karistusseadus acts committed in the territory of the republic of estonia, the. kars

although in exceptional cases to start criminal proceedings section 7 allows the outside of the republic of estonia have committed crimes, then it is only in exceptional cases and then to conduct criminal proceedings, when estonia would be faster and more effective.if the offence of necessary equipment and databases (such as servers, banks, etc.) are located abroad, as well as the offender (s) is another country's citizen (s) and live (the) outside the territory of the republic of estonia, the estonian vubariigil cases lack opportunities for rapid and effective procedure. in addition, it should be notedthe crimes committed abroad if it can be started the procedure but also a criminal offence in the territory of that state. in the present case, the commission may act according to the laws of a country place post not to be a crime, but the civil dispute. whether it is tsiviilvaidluse or crime, it will only give the state assessment,with (the) you the person (s) invoiced.

don't start your complaint as a result on the basis of the code of criminal procedure in the republic of estonia, kriminaalmeneluse (krms) §199lg l p l). in the case of disagreement,

by a decision adopted by the injured person is in accordance with article 207 (1) krms right,to the north of the opening 3 on the date of receipt of the notification from the ringkonnnaprokuratuuri within 10 days. in accordance with article 198 (2), shall be notified to krms failure on the opening of criminal procedure the person who kuriteokaebus is provided.

is mae politseileitnant service department varavastaste crimes serious crime kriminaalbüroo

the investigator in charge in the north precinct
Omsätts, vänta..
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